Friday, February 10, 2012

Makes me Think....

A friend on Etsy posted about this website a couple of days ago and I have not been able to stop thinking about it. It. is. so. freaking. inspirational!

Makes me Think is all about short, thought provoking stories written by people just like you and me. They share stories that have touched their lives in some way. 

All I can say is that reading them has touched mine too. 

Here are a few of my favorites:






"Today, the man that saved my life 28 years ago when he singlehandedly fought off three other men who were trying to rape me, walks with a cane due to the leg injury he suffered by doing so. And he looked so proud today when he put down his cane and slowly walked our daughter down the aisle. MMT" 

                                                       Source: via Ooh on Pinterest

"Today, I was patiently waiting for a shaded parking spot at the mall when a guy cut me off and stole the parking spot I had been waiting for with my blinker on. I let it go and just parked farther out in an non-shaded spot. While I was shopping, a windy, loud thunder storm passed over the area. When I left the mall, a huge fallen tree branch had crushed the roof of the guy’s car who stole my spot. MMT"


What inspires you? Happy Friday, friends!

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! what a wonderful look at life! i believe and will ALWAYS believe Angels walk among us and that God is close to us every second of every day...when bad things happen to others or to us it doesn't mean he is not close it just means he knows what we can endure and what will make us stronger if we look to Him for His Direction, Grace & Mercy in life's everyday happenings! thanks for sharing this Isa!!!


I love hearing from you! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. Have a wonderful day!!!