Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Business Tips: how to create a Facebook page vanity url for your business

Yay for a new blog series! Starting a handmade business is hard. Running a business is tough. I've been there and done that. I am the type of person who researches everything, writes it all down (spreadsheet style), and then stares at it for what it seems like days before I make a decision. I'd like to think of myself as a risk taker, but truth be told, I prefer to weigh all the pros and all the cons before I make a decision. 

Over the past year and a half (since I started Ooh Leela!), I've collected so much information that I thought it would be fun to share it with you guys. I hope that this helps you. I am by no means an expert, so use it at your own risk ;)

When I created a Facebook page for Ooh Leela! it looked something like this:

It. drove. me. nuts! All I wanted was a simple, customized '' address. To me it just adds a bit of professionalism to my brand.

At first I thought it had something to do with the type of business page I had selected (you know how Facebook asks you to select what kind of business you have when you first create a page?).... Nope, it wasn't it. 

So after completely giving up on it for months (I even stopped mentioning it on my business card because there was not enough space to add all of those numbers), I decided to look for a solution.

So, I remembered to ask my friend Mr. Google for help. It turns out that such a thing is called a "vanity url." Fancy, yes?

Do you want to know how to create your own Facebook page vanity url? Here are the steps!

1. Log in to your Facebook account

2. Create a Facebook page for your business (please let me know if you'd be interested in a step-by-step tutorial and I will be happy to put it together)

3. Go to

4. Go to 'page name' (see arrow below) and choose your page.

5. Choose a name, make sure it is available, and you are all set! 

**Now, pick a name that you will be happy with for there is no going back friends; once you pick a name, for instance, it cannot be changed. 

Leave me a comment or email me at oohleela {at} gmail {dot} com in case you have any questions!

What sort of business questions have you been faced with lately? How do you use/plan to use your Facebook page? To announce new releases? Sales? Coupons? I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Sewing! We need to get you a Facebook page! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Yay! I'm so happy. It takes so little time and yet it makes such a big difference! Adios unnecessary numbers! Thanks for stopping by Annie! <3

  3. Nice description :) Sure it will be helpful to many people! I have THREE Facebook pages other than my personal one LOL!

  4. Great tip Isa! I think that your Business Bits is going to be a fabulous series, I look forward to your post.

    1. Thanks Lisa, I am looking forward to sharing more tips! Stay tuned. Thanks for stopping by <3

  5. great! I am passing this one to some people who have been asking about making pages!!

  6. Ok I think you have hit upon something here. What a great resource to have your blogs to come to! Thank you.

  7. Great article! Thanks for sharing all these great tips!

  8. Thanks for sharing. I love tips.

  9. It's so good to meet someone who also makes decisions by creating and staring at spreadsheets! Thank you for your blog....great inspiration1

    1. Glad to know I'm not alone Dorene! I love spreadsheets: Google spreadsheets, MS Excel, you name it ;) Thanks for stopping by.

  10. love the design of your blog. :)

    1. Thank you =) The sweet Mollie Johanson from Wild Olive ( designed it for me.

  11. uniquecozytreasures - Thanks for the info.I will definately put it to good use.

  12. Very useful tips! Facebook has now become a necessity to most businesses and individuals who want to market their products and services.

  13. A long Facebook business page URL is not advisable. First of all, it will be difficult to memorize. And if visitors find it difficult to memorize your URL, they might not bother visiting your page again. Also, it might not fit in any print ads, if ever you want to paperize the marketing of the page. If you want to make it short, be sure that it is easy to remember and spell. It would be better if it includes just a specific name and nothing else.


  15. When your Facebook fan page reaches 25 likes, that’s when you can change the URL of your page. When you create a name, make sure that it is short and easy to remember. Staci is right. A URL that is short and easy to spell and remember can make it easier for people to find you.


I love hearing from you! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. Have a wonderful day!!!