Thursday, September 1, 2011


Happy September everyone!!! This is a very special month, because it officially marks the beginning of fall and because it is someone's birthday.... My birthday :)

I am proud to say that I am sponsoring another cool blog this month: Rags to Stitches Boutique. If you have not yet had a chance to visit this awesome blog, do it now. Totally worth it. Go on. I'll wait. Oh, and please tell me if you like my new ad. It was designed by the beautiful Mollie, from Wild Olive.

Back to today's post. Alissa from Rags to Stitches inspired me to copy her post. I just love the idea of being able to share with you a few personal things about me. I would love to hear more about you too!

A. age :: twenty eight, for 8 more days....

B. bed size :: queen

C. chore you hate :: laundry

D. dogs :: two: Melvyn and Leela. Melvyn is missing. Leela claims she is a baby, and not a dog.

E. essential start to your day :: check facebook, twitter, emails, play with Leela, multi-vitamins, cappucino

F. favorite color :: pink

G. gold or silver :: silver

H. height :: 5'7"

I. instruments you play :: nada

J. job title :: Accountant, crafter wannabe

K. kids :: Leela

L. live :: San Francisco Bay Area, CA

M. maiden name :: I have 2 - Secol Felix

N. nicknames :: Isa, piggy, Belinia

O. overnight hospital stays :: never, knock on wood

P. pet peeve :: fake people and traffic

Q. quote :: "Be the change you want to see in the world" Gandhi

R. righty or lefty :: righty

S. siblings :: one younger brother, Marcos

T. time you wake up :: when my hubby wakes up, at 5am. But then I go back to sleep and usually get up at 7am

U. university attended :: California State University, East Bay (aka CSU Hayward)

V. vegetables you dislike: I love veggies!

W. what makes you run late :: traffic, and the fact that I usually go back to sleep for 5 more minutes, which always turns out to be 15.

X. x-rays you’ve had :: dentist, knees

Y. yummy food :: I love to eat, but if I had to pick an absolute favorite it would have to be sushi

Z. zoo animal favorite :: I hate going to the zoo. The animals are always so sad. Love horses though.

Thank you so much for stopping by. As I said before, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to know more about you. Please tell us more about yourself in the comments below, or if you choose to copy this blog post, leave a link so we can come and visit! Xoxo's!


  1. i love this post Isabela!!! i ask huby to pick a random letter of the alphabet and he chose "T" i think cause his name is Tony! LOL

    "T"ime you wake up?
    the time varies for me but i'd say i wake up when my eyeballs open - which is usually when the didn't ask when i get out of bed. LOL

  2. Neat post....Going to say Happy Birthday now or I may miss it!

  3. Hi! I've been "surfing" here, on your blog, and found out it's really nice.
    I'm leaving a link to your blog on mine, and answering the questions.


I love hearing from you! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. Have a wonderful day!!!