Thursday, August 25, 2011

Recipe time! Leela's favorite scramble

I am back! Adios writer's block (I hope). Anyhoo, I was pretty hungry today and my fridge needed a little cleaning. So I used whatever I had on hand and made a scrumptious scramble. It was super easy to make.  Give it a try!

Leela's favorite scramble

Ingredients: feel free to use whatever you have on hand. No measurements provided, because this is a pretty forgiving recipe. This is what I used:

3 eggs
cherry tomatoes
hearts of palm (Costco offers amazing deals)
parmesan cheese
salt and pepper
parsley flakes
olive oil

Cut the ham into small pieces. Sautee it in olive oil until golden brown.

Dice zucchini. Add it to the pan along with minced garlic and cook it, in medium heat, for 2 minutes.

In a bowl, add eggs, cherry tomatoes, parmesan cheese, parsley, hearts of palm and salt and pepper. Beat it.

Add egg mixture to the pan. Cook without stirring, until eggs begin to set. 

At that point, stir the eggs until roughly scrambled. Keep doing this until eggs are fully cooked, about 5 to 10 minutes. Serve warm. 


 PS: It tastes even better if you somehow manage to get your significant other to do the dishes and clean your mess afterwards. Just sayin'....

Let me know what you think. Speaking of which, do you guys like seeing recipes here on the blog? Or do you prefer to hear about projects I am currently working on? I would very much appreciate some feedback :)



  1. yum, yumm, yummmy!!! i love making something special from the odds & ends in the fridge!

  2. Wow! It's 7:00 pm here but now I wish it was breakfast time so I could eat this!


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