Saturday, February 19, 2011


There is usually a barrier between me and the world.... The only person I currently allow inside this barrier is hubby. I love how I can be myself around him and still be ok with it. I am often scared that if I let people in, they will either hurt me or be disappointed with what they see.

Because I want to change that, and let my hair down more often, I have decided to share some things about me, positive and areas that need improvement.

The good (thanks hubby for participating in this survey <3):
kind hearted
loyal & devoted
hard working

The bad:
the occasional pessimism
lack of motivation (this is just a nice way to say I am lazy sometimes)
afraid of trying new things, or being uncomfortable

What makes me happy:
Spending time with hubby
Watching House
Sewing & being creative
Helping a client who knows nothing about accounting. I love when it is all said and done
Helping those who are less fortunate
Good food

What makes me sad:
People who are selfish and petty
When I have tons of ideas in my head, but I am too scared to fail. It is good to dream, but you must act on it as well.
My brother & sister in law are moving away
That no matter how hard I work, I never seem to have enough money to do the things I want to: travel, volunteer, dedicate more time to my Etsy shop, help the needy, get my teeth whitened and a decent camera

It would be nice if I could know more about you too! I love when my readers post comments, and I promise to get back to each and every one of you. If you prefer, email me at oohleela{at}gmail{dot}com.

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