Sunday, February 13, 2011

Business tip: Picnik

Selling online and on Etsy is fairly new to me. It feels so good (and it makes me feel so alive) to be able to learn something totally new everyday. But excitement aside, I am not going to lie: it has been quite a challenge, so I thought it would be helpful if I shared some of my struggles and tips from time to time.

Taking quality, professional looking pictures has been a big stumbling block to me. I took a photography course in college, but back then all I was interested in was taking pictures of my puppies while having fun. Never did I think that I would actually be using such a skill in my life.

I don't currently own a fancy camera. In fact my point and shoot camera is about 8 years old. I am just making do until I can put some money aside to buy a more appropriate (and expensive - yikes) DSLR camera. Which means I have had to rely on photo imaging software to come up with (somewhat) decent looking photos. BUT, photo imaging software is a foreign concept to me.

Yesterday however I came across Picnik enables you to edit your photos online, at the click of a button (or 2). It is super user friendly and intuitive, unlike Adobe Photoshop. And best of all it is free (and I always say if it is free is is for me).

Here is what my picture looked liked before I used

 And here is the after:

Better, yes? If you have any tips you would like to share, I would love to hear from you! Have a great week!

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