Monday, August 13, 2012

Leela and Sebastian go on a date

Leela and I met some very spawcial people at BlogPaws this year: Sebastian and his mom Erika, from Sew Doggy Style.

We share so many common interests and we became instant furryends. You see, Sebastian loves fashion just as much as we do and Erika makes beautiful dog apparel and comes up with the most adorable craft tutorials for pets.

They came to visit us this weekend. We had so much fun!!!

Leela spent all day Wednesday licking the floor and putting her toys away. She also made a list of all the places she wanted to show her furryend Sebastian. She was so excited.

Sebastian and his mom arrived Thursday afternoon. Both Moms were a bit stressed out, so the puppies took us out to dinner and watched us chat as we gulped down sipped on a few 'Ritas.

Sebastian says: "Another round?!?"
Then on Friday, with a long list of things we wanted to do and see, and 2 puppies in tow, we decided to head into San Francisco.

First stop: The Presidio. The Presidio happens to be a very dog friendly place, as long as your dog doesn't mind having a messy hair do afterwards. BOL, it is windy.
Both puppies were hoping to take some pictures by the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge, but it was covered with the famous San Francisco fog.

Although we only saw a wee piece of the bridge, we did get to see lots of interesting things. Lots of nature mixed with man-made structures and graffiti art. There were lots of places to be sniffed. Divide and conquer we say!

Being able to photograph two adorable puppies made this Mommy so very happy.

Next stop: the beach. Be sure to come back later this week to see the 2nd part of our date. Oh, and don't forget to stop by Sebastian's blog as his Mom took tons of pictures as well. Told you we had a lot in common :)

How was your weekend?


  1. Looks like a great date Leela! Sebastian looks like our Uncle Samy so of course we think he's a cutie too!

  2. Oh gosh I wish I lived in CA so I could visit with you guys!!

  3. HAHA, love that "arrow" in the last photo that points out the Golden Gate Bridge!!!

    Erika and Sebastian

  4. This is way too cute! Love it. Great photos!


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