Tuesday, July 24, 2012

National Craft for your Local Shelter Day


 Our furryends Sebastian and Erika from Sew Doggy Style came up with a great idea: National Craft for your Local Shelter Day.

"What is National Craft for your Local Shelters Day?
It is a day set aside to recognize that we can give back to our local shelters in a crafty way.  This includes making beds, toys, vests and bandanas that say "adopt me," leashes, and sew much more.  What better way to give back to a shelter than the best way you know how - and for us, it's crafting." Erika Lindquist, from Sew Doggy Style

This year, National Craft for your Local Shelters Day took place on July 21st. We had the pleasure of joining Sebastian, his Mommy Erika and their beautiful friends in Fresno, CA. 

And this is Sebastian, the day after the party. Isn't he one of the most adorable doggies?

Photo by Sew Doggy Style
We made lots of pet-friendly items that will be donated to homeless pets living in 8 different shelters in the Fresno area. The hand painted ceramic bowls, bandanas and braided toys were very colorful and said Adopt Me, so we hope that they attract more people who are willing to adopt a dog or kitty.  

Photo by Laura, from The Peculiar Palette

We even made the news! ABC 30 News stopped by.

As Erika put it, "not everyone can write a check in this tough economy, but everyone can help." 

National Craft for your Local Shelters Day may be over, but the folks at Sew Doggy Style are still celebrating. They are hosting the most amazing giveaways on their blog this week. Be sure to check it out here.

Apart from the awesome ladies who came to the party on Saturday, lots of bloggers around the country signed up as well, such as these guys, this guy and this adorable little guy.

Thanks Erika and Sebastian for organizing such an amazing {and successful} event! 


  1. LeeLa and Isa, this is so wonderful!!! I am teary eyed reading this. There are so so many shelter animals in need and as you say, no everyone can give money. I hope that many more people will take your lead and craft for animal shelters everywhere. You have given me a wonderful idea, I am going to start a FB group for just that :) I have been trying and wanting to get more people involved in the needs of animals and I think this would be a wonderful way!
    I would love to purchase 3 of the braided dog toys (need to be indestructible for big galoots, LOL). Much love and blessings to you and all your crafty friends. ♥ Lisa

  2. Hooray for crafting for shelters!!! Thanks so much for sharing this special day with us and spreading the word. We have so much to look forward to, my friend!

    Erika and Sebastian

  3. What a wonderful way to help the shelter Isa! There are so many ways to help without having to give money so it's great that you are sharing these ideas! One of the local rescues uses only foster homes so the foster families often take them out and about and I saw a dog walking around the farmers market with a t-shirt on that said "adopt me" and it sure made me want to do just that! Kudos to you and Erika and all the other helpers you had there!


I love hearing from you! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. Have a wonderful day!!!