Friday, November 18, 2011

Toga party costume re-style

Hubby and I were invited to a Toga party last weekend. Having never been to a toga party before, I started panicking right away. You see, jeans (and pants in general) contain my love handles and all that extra goodness I sometimes carry around my waist. Wearing dresses and skirts on the other hand scares me to death. The last thing I want to look like is a hot air balloon ;)

I also wanted something more creative than a white sheet wrapped around my body. So I decided to hit the costume and party stores. I found this awful looking thing on sale for $14.99 at Party City.

As it turns out, taking pictures of your own self is really hard!

Anyhoo, it was a step up from a plain white sheet, but not by much. It was a sleeveless, long white dress 3 sizes too big, with a diagonal sash looking thing-y.

So after a quick trip to my local Joann's and 4-5 hours in front of my trusty serger, I transformed it into this:


Here is what I did:

Shortened it
Made it a bit smaller so that the shape was a bit more flattering
Adjusted the shoulder seam (as you could see way too much when I moved my arms)
Added tons of trim
Total cost: $25.00 (I already had the sandals)

I got so many compliments at the party that I have decided to make all of my costumes from now on. I like being unique ;)

Happy Friday Friends!


  1. You are the cutest! Work that toga girl! I love how you made it so cute cute cute!
    PS have I told you how so very much I love your (maybe not so new anymore) blog design? Love.

  2. What's the greek for va-va-voom? You look awesome!

  3. Thank you Andee!

    Mollie you are too cute ;)

    Thanks for stopping by ladies <3

  4. you look fabulous! way to go...i'm sure you were the envy of the party! :) hope you had a good time!


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