Sunday, January 9, 2011

We had a great time at my brother's wedding!

Hi everyone! My brother got married last Friday! It was a simple wedding, but everyone pitched in and it was magical to say the least.

I made some party favors: lavender scented candles in a cute mason jar. After many trials, they turned out perfect! I was so inspired and so determined, it was meant to be. Kudos to mom for helping me.

The pictures are not that great because it was 1am by the time we finished them and the lighting was not adequate. The silver tags say to love and to cherish! Sooo cute!

I also added a few touches to a plain guest book I found at Michaels:

They got married at City Hall in San Francisco. The architecture is so beautiful, all of us were in awe. Some wonderful friends offered to take pictures. I think these pictures turned out so nice!

We had lunch here. Amazing food and great service. Reasonable prices too.

Facebook fans: take advantage of the coupon I have just sent you. And remember, 10% of all sales proceeds this month go to support ORVAL (Ouachita River Valley Animal League) in Louisiana. For more information, please visit: 

Off to bake strawberry cupcakes for hubby! Sunday is splurging day! Yay!

Have a lovely week! XOXOssss!!!!!!!


  1. I like the little stout mason jars too, and I use them when I want to give friends and colleagues herbs that I harvest from my roof-extension garden. I live in New York City, so my garden is asleep for the winter, but for the New Year, I gave jars of finely ground rosemary (that I had harvested from my garden before the onset of the cold weather), as gifts since it is the herb associated with remembrance. If you'd like to see the "finished product" please click on this link:

  2. I saw these on pinterest recently and I've been looking for the little mason jars like this for my wedding! I can't find them anywhere! Can I ask you where you found them? Thanks!


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