Saturday, January 1, 2011

My first attempt at candle making

Ok, despite the fact that my very first experience was less than perfect (I bought the wrong dye color), I must say that it felt really good to accomplish one of my goals for the year so early in the game.

I chose to go with soy wax because it is a greener option and less complicated than gel. I ended up getting my supplies (soy wax, dye, wicks and scent) at my neighborhood Michaels, because I wanted to make a candle and I needed (read wanted) to make it today (I'm impatient like that). However, I will order my supplies online from now on because the prices at Michaels are a bit steep.

I already had a measuring cup, thermometer, pot and glass container, but if you don't, the dollar store is the way to go.

A few notes about my first experience:
  • A little bit of dye goes a LONG way. I ended up getting red dye instead of the color I really wanted and the end result was a dark red color (which I did not care for at all, thus the lack of pictures showing the end result)
  • Even though I chose lavender and I absolutely love the smell of lavender, I did not care for this brand of scents (Yaley). I am burning the candle as we speak and I can't smell anything despite being extra generous when I added the scent
  • Need to use a dowel next time, to keep the wick in place
  • I tried to whip the top layer, but I was not successful. I think it has to do with the fact that the wax was still too hot when I whipped it. I did some research after the fact and you are supposed to wait for the wax to cool down a bit, until it turns cloudy. I will try that next time as well.
I will try again some time this week and will post pictures of the end product in a few days. What about you? How is your new year going?

This is my very first blog ever and I must admit (and you may have noticed) that I am new at this. I am having SO MUCH FUN! I am trying really hard to improve my storytelling skills as well as the content for the blog. If you have any suggestions, topics you would like to see in the upcoming weeks, constructive criticism or praise :), please do share. I would love to hear from you!

May you have a blessed Sunday!

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